Saturday, April 23, 2011
This year the Primary was in charge of the Easter Party at church. Since I am in the Primary Presidency, I had the task of buying and filling all the
Easter eggs. With the boys' help, we filled approximately 2700 eggs. We planned a potluck breakfast at the church with the
Easter egg hunt following breakfast, out on the front lawn of the church house. It was a big success. The room was packed with plenty of seating for everyone. We had the food in the
YW's room and we buffeted the line from the hall & then had the families eat in the cultural hall. The reason for this is that our building is very small, but our ward is quite large. Our goal was to get as many tables set up in the cultural hall as possible. We ended up being able to get 22 tables in the room and every seat was taken. Here are a few pictures taken that morning...Notice the cute centerpieces the other Primary counselor came up with. The cups were filled with Peeps and M&M's! Cheap and really cute!

I love this picture of 3 of my 5 boys. Pictured from left to right, Tyler, Aaron & Joe

Aaron, Myself & Tyler

Out on the front lawn of the church. We had about 100 kids show up, which sounds like a lot, but was not even 1/2 of our Primary. We had the "big" kids on the big lawn and the 4 and under group up on the top and side lawns. It worked perfectly!

Jacob's take

Tyler only collected green eggs!

Aaron with a weird smile!

Hoppy Easter!!