Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm famous....& allergic

Thank you to everyone that sent me messages about seeing me on The Price Is Right. It was a surprise to me to see my lovely face in the opening scene of the show. And then there I was many times through out. I can say it definitely altered my perception of the show, combining my memories of the taping with what got put on tv. It was a fun experience. If you didn't get to see it, there are a few ways you can still view the show. 1. go online to and watch the episode. 2. I still have it on my dvr, but you will have to sit on my bed because the dvr is in my bedroom. 3. I have it taped on a vhs tape. I know not many of you have vhs anymore, but in the chance that you do, I have it taped.

Now on to more exciting news. I seem to have developed an allergy to my deodorant. Yup, that's right, another allergy. I am in the process of trying a new deodorant to see if the itching/red bumps go away. I have used the same deodorant my entire life. Why the change now? I have no idea. Why the sudden allergy to latex? Yes, I'm allergic to latex too. I discovered that about 2 years ago blowing up balloons for my children. Again, lots of itching and redness/swelling. You should see it when my eyes get rubbed after having touched latex, quite the sight to see. Or what my hands look like after wearing latex gloves. I tried that while working on some painting projects. I never knew my hands could get that red and puffy. Oh well, just another item to add to my list of allergies. Why I couldn't develop an allergy to chocolate or sugar to help me cut that out, I don't know. Life just isn't fair, I guess.

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