March 23-24th Jacob went with our Hawes Ward Scout Troop to Bulldog Canyon in the Superstition Mountains. These are pictures from the hike. They are not in order...but at least I got them here! Special Thanks to great Scout Leaders who take the boys on these fun adventures!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Finally some pictures....
I finally got some pictures off my phone..... So I'm going to try to catch up, working backwards from today.
These first bunch of pictures are from Saturday, March 24th. We attended the Mesa Police Family Appreciation Day. It was held at the Training facility. Jacob was still on his scout camp out but the rest of us went and enjoyed free food and tons of fun booths and exhibits. Including 3 different bounce houses and a petting animals area. The boys had a great time getting into all the military trucks, police helicopter, air evac heli, ambulance and communications command vans. Joe and boys got to meet some of my co-workers as well. It was a fun time that we hope to attend each year.
Tyler holding a parret

Snow cones and a petting area....
Goats, chickens, ducks and bunnies...

Aaron holding a baby chicken

Jake the Police Dog

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Spring Break 2012 or as we know it Puke-fest 2012
Again, still no pictures. We have yet to locate the camera cord. I believe it is being held hostage in Joe's office at school. I may have to go break it out soon!
We decided this year for Spring Break to take a quick trip to the cabin. I hadn't seen the completed cabin renovations, so it was a good time to go enjoy the pines and see the changes. We left on Sunday, March 11th...our 17th Wedding anniversary. Wow, 17 years! Hard to believe it has been that long. The trip was uneventful and the cool pines were awesome. We had a fire roaring at the cabin in no time and were enjoying the new room and watching the squirrels out the new back windows.
On Monday we took a trip into Show Low with the idea of some family bowling and lunch. Well that was a total bust. Nothing was open. It seems Show Low was still on winter season schedule. No family fun center....and we seemed just too late for any movie. However, we did find a fun new diner to eat lunch at and it was delicious!
We returned to the cabin and started to settle in for the night....
Too bad the black plague was about to descend!
Tyler started puke-fest in the early evening. He puked non-stop for about 4 hours. We were not sure if he was really sick or just having allergy issues. Tyler has a history of puking easily from any minor irritations in his throat. By about midnight he finally settled down.
We were awakened early the next morning by Aaron yelling that Jared was going to throw-up! We made a quick decision to pack it up and take everyone home as quick as we could. I sat in the back next to Jared and held the puke bag as we flew down the mountain. And it was a good thing we flew down the mountain, cause as soon as we got home it hit Joe. He spent the next 6 hours between bed and the bathroom. In the meantime, Tyler was on the mend and Jared had finally stopped puking.
Wednesday was my lucky day. I spent the entire day feeling awful.
Luckily, Thursday was a day of reprieve. Tyler was scheduled to have his tonsils and adenoids out that day. And no one felt bad that morning, a blessing. Tyler's surgery was very good and he is a champ. The doctor was able to remove lots of tissue. Tyler has been healing well and has been enjoying all the milk shakes and Popsicles.
On Thursday evening, Aaron decided he needed to continue Puke-fest for our family. Luckily it was a quick event for him. He slept off most of the symptoms. Friday, Jacob awakened looking green. Puke-fest was wrapping up it's sweep. Jacob spent the entire day moaning and sleeping.
I did take the 3 non-pukers to see The Lorax on Friday morning. We were all ready for something fun for Spring Break! It was a fun movie.
Saturday was our 1st official Puke-free day. And our last day of Spring Break. We had accomplished little and were ready for Puke-fest to be gone. We didn't do much...tried to put the house back together a little.
Not our best "vacation". Hopefully we will never have to do that again!
By the all our adventures I didn't take 1 picture! So don't expect any follow-up pictures about this week!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Time.... to catch up.
Time....something that we seem to have less and less of. Time...marches on. update the blog a little.
Here's just a bit of what we have been up to for the past 2 months.
Here's just a bit of what we have been up to for the past 2 months.
- Tyler turned 10 on January 13th. He celebrated with a slumber/wii party with a bunch of his good buddies. Sadly again I was not at his birthday party. Work just got in the way this year. I did decorate the house for him and baked him a great cake. Pictures? I think we took some and they might even be on the camera. Just as soon as we find the camera cord I'll add them!
- Tyler also earned his Bear Award and moved into the Webelos den.
- Jacob has been busy going on Scout campouts and earning achievements as well. He recently earned his 2nd Class and 1st Class. We also have pictures of that...again...soon.
- Everyone has had the yucky cough/cold that just never seems to go away.
- Joe is enjoying Softball on Tuesday nights with a new team.
- We attended our cousin Garrett's Baptism.
- Spend lots of time out on the trampoline
I can't seem to think of everything else. I'm sure once I get my pictures up and running again I'll remember a few things. We are looking forward to Spring Break next week. Taking a little time to go to the Cabin, Tyler is getting his tonsils/adnoids out and hopefully we'll hit a movie. Should be a fun week.
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