Tyler Joseph Macdonald was baptized on Saturday, February 13, 2010 at the Boulder Creek Stake Center by his father, Alexander Joseph Macdonald and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by his Grandfather, Stanley Dwayne Hastings. It was a wonderful and hopefully memorable day for Tyler. He had many relatives and friends in attendance. All of my brothers & sisters were there with their families, minus Galen's children. Joe's sister Lynn Hoffmann came from Orem, UT. Aunt Marci Macdonald came with 2 of her children, Madi & Sean, from Thatcher, AZ and Aunt Brenda Macdonald came from north Mesa. My good friends Rhonda Trone and Nancy Gonzales were there to support us also. Plus many good friends from our ward. After the baptism we invited everyone to our home for a lunch. We ate barbecue beef and chicken salad on rolls. Thank you to my family for providing salads & chips. There was tons of food and the weather was a perfect 74 degrees! We ate out in the back yard. The only trouble was Tyler and I were both a bit under the weather, fighting head colds. If not for that, it would have been a perfect day. Thank you to all who came to support Tyler. He was so happy to see so many friends and family. Below are a few picture we took at home before heading down to the church, as well as pictures of Joe & Tyler in their whites.
Jared, Tyler & Aaron.
The Family
Joe & Tyler - ready for the baptism
The Family
yay for Tyler I am sad we were out of town and missed it. Sounds like you had a good party afterwards too.