Tonight was graduation from the Mesa Citizen Police Academy. Joe and the boys came along to the ceremony. They had a few speakers and then a slide show presentation, which we all got a copy of. Then they presented us with a certificate and class photo. Then we ate cake, a favorite for the boys.

Jacob was in charge of the camera. He had to "test" to make sure it was working correctly.
Getting my certificate from the Assistant Chief Dvorak.

On the left, Adrienne Hassan, and on the right Danielle Fallbeck.
It was a very nice ceremony. I thoroughly enjoyed the 12 weeks in the academy. It was a great experience and one I suggest to anyone interested in the workings of the Police Department.
It seems a little weird that it's over. It has become quite the habit to go every Wednesday night to class. I'm sure I'll find other ways to fill my time.
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