My "troll" baby turns 9 today. Where did the time go? Happy Birthday, Tyler! His hair stood up like this from birth until about 4 mos. I tried everything to get it to lie down. I was known at church as the mom with the troll baby. But he sure was cute!
This is my favorite picture of Tyler as a baby. He was a happy, content baby. Always smiling and cooing. He's about 6 mos here. Had his first haircut already and finally the hair has started to lie down.

This is from cub scout day camp Oct 2010. Tyler loves cub scouts.
3rd Grade picture.
Sadly, Tyler is getting a big jipped for his birthday this year. I start school tonight & Joe has night conferences. So we set up for his party on Saturday, which is great except that Jacob and I will be in California on the Oceanography field trip. Tyler will just have to party hard with Dad & little brothers. And we've decided the party has to go on for the entire weekend.

Troll's kinda true. lol But so cute! I hope you had fun in CA!