Lucky me! I have the 2nd sports related injury for this season. This past Monday at Joe & my coed softball games and overzealous teammate (male) ran into me out in right field. I was watching and waiting for a high fly ball to come down and out of no where the right center fielder slammed into me. My left foot got the brunt of the injury, but I am sore on the entire right side of my body. Luckily my foot is not broken, but here it is 3 days later and still swollen. The bruising is just starting, I'm sure it will get much worse. In the meantime, my doctor has me wearing a boot to protect my foot.
Wednesday morning I was not wearing my boot while getting Jared dressed for school and learned the importance of wearing the boot. Jared was being silly and accidentally stepped on my foot. I cried out in such pain, all the boys immediately sprang into action. My boot was brought to me, an ice pack and many kind words. I don't think they have ever seen me is such pain. Needless to say, I keep my boot on whenever children are around.
Hopefully I'll only have to wear it for a week or so. No softball for a week also, bummer. If it's not feeling better within a week or so, I have to go get it re-x-ray'd to see if there is a minor fracture that didn't show on the first x-ray. It's beginning to feel better but still very tender.
Until then here is my new fashion accessory.
On another note, I start my new job with 911 this upcoming Monday! Had my last day of preschool today, it was bitter sweet.