We carved our Halloween pumpkins! 4 pumpkins this year! Am I crazy? It was a lot of fun. They boys even dug in and cleaned out the pumpkins. This was a first. They don't like to stick their hands into the disgusting mess. But this year they did.
Jacob was the most grossed out. But he really tried his best. He knew I wouldn't carve it for him if he didn't do some of the work!
Tyler just jumped right in. He said he wanted to dig it all out with his hands. That was until he saw how sticky it was. He was a trooper.
Aaron lives for messes! We carved his first so he would be happy.
Jared was not interested in the pumpkins once he saw the goop coming out of them. He spent his time trying to wash the dishes.
The final product!
Not bad, if I say so myself. This was the first time we tried to make them look "professional". I can honestly say that those carving tools and kits are worth the money. It made it fun and easy. Hopefully they will win something at the ward Trunk or Treat. The boys were soooo happy with my carving skills. Mom is the hero of Halloween!
Jared was not interested in the pumpkins once he saw the goop coming out of them. He spent his time trying to wash the dishes.
The final product!
Not bad, if I say so myself. This was the first time we tried to make them look "professional". I can honestly say that those carving tools and kits are worth the money. It made it fun and easy. Hopefully they will win something at the ward Trunk or Treat. The boys were soooo happy with my carving skills. Mom is the hero of Halloween!