I registered Aaron for Kindergarten today. No tears, much gladness. Aaron wasn't too happy about it. He said he needs to keep coming to school at my preschool even when he turns 5 in May. I told him in August it is not a choice and he will be on the bus with his brothers.
Hoping and praying that full day kindergarten exists this next year.
P.S. Aaron finger update...we applied a product called new skin on his cut because it just wouldn't stop bleeding. Well today the "new skin" as he calls it got torn off when Jared accidentally stepped on the finger! Ouch! You would have thought he had cut it all over again. Lots of screaming and lots of blood! All better now. We have new skin reapplied and have it wrapped in a bandage. Hope this finger heals soon. He will probably have a nice scar when this is finished.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday Night Fever
This last Friday Joe and I planned to go out on a date. Little did we know that our "Date" would start at 3:30 in the afternoon. While I was getting ready for said date, Jared was taking his nap like a good boy and Aaron was watching TV. Or at least I thought he was watching TV. At about 3:25 I heard a machine noise and then Aaron screaming. I ran to the kitchen to find Aaron sitting on the counter top with the base to the blender going and him screaming and holding his left pointer finger.
He had climbed up on the counter and started playing with the blender that I had left out after making a smoothie. Somehow he got his left finger onto the spinning part and it tore from the nail bed to his knuckle. I tried to wash it off in the sink to see what damage had been done, but there was so much blood I thought he would need stitches. I called Joe and he said he would meet me at the Urgent Care. I then called the best babysitter in the world, Jessica, and she came right over.
Jared slept through all the noise, of course. I raced Aaron out to the car to find that it was beginning to hail. As I drove around the corner, Jacob & Tyler had just got off the bus and were running in the hail. I threw them into the car and dropped them off at home to stay with Jessica.
By now Aaron had stopped screaming. I had wrapped his finger in paper towels and he was applying pressure as we drove to Urgent Care. Joe got there the same time I did and we took him in to see what the damage was. Luckily the cut wasn't too deep and he didn't have to get stitches. They taped it up and wrapped it in band aids. Yup, $50 for tape and band aids! I kinda wish they had done a little stitching to help teach him a lesson!
So we brought home our very lucky child. It was 4:30 by now and I was supposed to pick Jessica up at 5 for our date. I took her home and told her I'd be back in a hour to get her. I was still going out!
While I was getting ready for my date, again.... Jared decided he would help and proceeded to grab my very hot curling iron! I was standing right there and took it from him as fast as I could and rushed him to the sink for cold water. I rubbed a tone of alovera on his hand while he screamed at me. I think by then I was screaming too! Luckily his hand did not blister. He had a couple of red marks on his thumb and finger, but no other marks!
So Joe and I eventually got out on our date. Had a great dinner at Costa Vida, didn't get to see a movie because everything was sold out, but enjoyed spending a little time together without any children trying to harm themselves around us! Sadly we were home by 9:30 just because we were both so tired from the days events.
Hopefully our next "Date night" will go more smoothly.
P.S. Aaron won't let me take pictures of his finger because there is still blood coming, as he tells me. I asked him if we can take a picture once the blood stops coming and he said yes. So, if I get the picture I'll add it to the post later.
He had climbed up on the counter and started playing with the blender that I had left out after making a smoothie. Somehow he got his left finger onto the spinning part and it tore from the nail bed to his knuckle. I tried to wash it off in the sink to see what damage had been done, but there was so much blood I thought he would need stitches. I called Joe and he said he would meet me at the Urgent Care. I then called the best babysitter in the world, Jessica, and she came right over.
Jared slept through all the noise, of course. I raced Aaron out to the car to find that it was beginning to hail. As I drove around the corner, Jacob & Tyler had just got off the bus and were running in the hail. I threw them into the car and dropped them off at home to stay with Jessica.
By now Aaron had stopped screaming. I had wrapped his finger in paper towels and he was applying pressure as we drove to Urgent Care. Joe got there the same time I did and we took him in to see what the damage was. Luckily the cut wasn't too deep and he didn't have to get stitches. They taped it up and wrapped it in band aids. Yup, $50 for tape and band aids! I kinda wish they had done a little stitching to help teach him a lesson!
So we brought home our very lucky child. It was 4:30 by now and I was supposed to pick Jessica up at 5 for our date. I took her home and told her I'd be back in a hour to get her. I was still going out!
While I was getting ready for my date, again.... Jared decided he would help and proceeded to grab my very hot curling iron! I was standing right there and took it from him as fast as I could and rushed him to the sink for cold water. I rubbed a tone of alovera on his hand while he screamed at me. I think by then I was screaming too! Luckily his hand did not blister. He had a couple of red marks on his thumb and finger, but no other marks!
So Joe and I eventually got out on our date. Had a great dinner at Costa Vida, didn't get to see a movie because everything was sold out, but enjoyed spending a little time together without any children trying to harm themselves around us! Sadly we were home by 9:30 just because we were both so tired from the days events.
Hopefully our next "Date night" will go more smoothly.
P.S. Aaron won't let me take pictures of his finger because there is still blood coming, as he tells me. I asked him if we can take a picture once the blood stops coming and he said yes. So, if I get the picture I'll add it to the post later.
Friday, January 22, 2010
January Cabin Trip
January 16-18th we were able to go up to Grandma & Papa's cabin in Heber/Overgaard. There was a little snow on the ground, at least enough for our boys to play in. It was cold and relaxing to get out of the valley. The boys played outside in the snow and mud as much as they could. Too bad we forgot their snow boots. We spent every evening by the fire drying shoes, hats and gloves. It was a great weekend getaway. The best part, it started to snow on Monday morning. We didn't stay long on Monday for fear of getting snowed in, but it was just enough for our boys.
Here are our boys out in the street. The neighbors had good amounts of snow so they played in their yards. Good thing no one was home!
Jared enjoying some snow. Always with the tongue now!
Aaron decided he needed to make a snow angel. Too bad the snow was frozen over. But he kept trying.
Then Tyler got in on the snow angel making.
Having a snowball fight. It was more like an ice fight.
Jacob made a snowman in the back yard. He was so proud. Then he pelted it with snowballs till it was gone.
This is on Monday when it started snowing. We all went out to enjoy the snow. The neighbors came out to see what we were yelling about. I think they thought we were crazy.
Joe in the snow. He forgot his coat! Good thing I didn't forget his hat and gloves. It was cold..JPG)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Fridge...
After we got home from Tyler's great party. We noticed that there was a problem with the freezer part of our fridge. We thought that a cereal bag had gotten caught in the door and propped it open causing a few things to start to melt. So we fixed that and turned up the cold to make sure it was working ok and started getting everyone to bed. It was 8pm when we got home and started to notice this. Then the trouble started.
Around 9:30pm after we got everyone to bed and settled, we checked the fridge. The ice was melting in the freezer and although the fan was running there was no cold air coming out. Obviously I wasn't thinking properly and told Joe to turn it up the temp and shut the door and we would check it in the morning. I think I was really tired, because I should have gone straight out to get ice and started moving everything out.
By 6am everything in the freezer was soft if not melted. The fridge was kind of cold, but not enough to keep everything chilled. I immediately ran to the corner store and bought 4 bags of ice and moved everything to all our coolers. Our fridge was dead! The compressor went out. And I know what you are thinking, yes they can be fixed. But I hated fixing things over and over. So I went shopping on Friday at 10am and bought our new fridge.
The other problem we were then facing was we were planning to go up to the cabin on Saturday. Would the new fridge be delivered on time for us to still go? I did not give up! And my efforts were rewarded as our fridge showed up at 9:15am Saturday morning. We packed up and were on our way up north by 12:00. The best part, most of our cold stuff was already packed so I just loaded the already full coolers into the back of the truck!
Oh, I almost forgot the funniest thing! On Friday night Joe and I pulled the fridge out to clean out underneath and get everything ready for our new appliance. Well we turned the knob to turn off the water that runs to the fridge and then started to unhook the cord. We apparently have a faulty valve and water started spraying Joe hard in the face. I started screaming because water was going everywhere! The boys came running, which we sent them running for towels as Joe tried to put the hose back on. He finally got the hose most of the way back on and stepped out from behind the fridge. Water was flowing everywhere. And even leaking out the cracks to the sliding glass door. Nice to see we have cracks there, I might say! I stepped back behind the fridge while Joe ran to get a wrench to finish tightening the hose and finished screwing the hose on so that the water stopped spraying out. We took about 30 seconds to laugh and then started mopping up all the water. Then turned on fans to dry out the wall, the cabinets and the floor. Did I say it was a lot of water? Because it was a LOT of WATER! Needless to say it cleaned up the mess that was under the fridge!
These are the coolers filled with the contents of my fridge.
Tyler's Birthday Party
On Thursday, January 14th Tyler celebrated his 8th Birthday at Peter Piper Pizza with a few friends from Primary. It was a fun time for all the kids. They played games and ate pizza. An easy party! Here is his birthday cake. Of course, I forgot to pre-order the cake so I just picked one up at Costco that day. Tyler had requested a chocolate cake. It was chocolate, but I didn't pay attention to the box and we found that this cake had a strawberry filling. Needless to say it was an interesting combination. I liked it, but it wasn't a favorite. The best part was Joe cut the pieces for everybody and as you will see in the pictures, he cut the biggest pieces of cake ever! They were huge! But it was fun.
Tyler wore his birthday hat that he got at school for almost the entire party. This is a picture of him and Justin from his primary class. Justin cleaned up in the games and took home tons of prizes.
Here is most of the group. Starting in the back, Justin, Treagan (from school), Isaac. Then in the front, Taylor A., Molly, Taylor B. & Tyler. Not pictured but at the party was Cassie.
Tyler getting ready to blow out the candles. & then the cake carving began!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tyler's Baptism
I just wanted to let those of you who are keeping an eye on my blog that I put Tyler's Baptism date wrong in his Birthday Blog. I have since changed it to the correct date, Sat. Feb 13th. Thank you Aimee for editing for me!
Here is the official Invitation...
You are invited to attend the
Baptism of
Tyler Joseph Macdonald
Saturday, February 13, 2010
at 9:30am
at the Boulder Creek Stake Center
3025 S. Hawes Rd.
Mesa, AZ
Please join us for a luncheon following the Baptism
at Tyler's home
8550 E. Lakeview Ave
Mesa, AZ
Please R.S.V.P. if you are coming so we may plan accordingly.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Happy 8th Birthday Tyler!!
Happy Birthday Tyler!
For those who are wondering...Tyler will be baptised on Saturday, February 13th at 9:30am at our Stake Center. We are so proud of him for making the choice to be baptised.

Charlotte-isms Part 2
Remeber you need to push yourself to your own level.
"So on a level of 1 to 10...10 being you are going to throw up...let's hold it at about a 6 or 7...I don't want any of you throwing up in here!" Said to us at spin class this morning.
Thank you Charlotte for giving me permission to push my own level!
"So on a level of 1 to 10...10 being you are going to throw up...let's hold it at about a 6 or 7...I don't want any of you throwing up in here!" Said to us at spin class this morning.
Thank you Charlotte for giving me permission to push my own level!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
FHE spells FUN!
Last night for FHE we had a short lesson/story from the Friend magazine and then made Fruit Loop necklaces. I know it sounds kinda lame, but we had a good time making our treat/activity. Joe was so funny, he sang about his necklace the entire time. Tyler thought it was a race and did it as fast as he could so he could start eating it. Jared thought we were crazy for putting them on string, he just ate whatever we put in front of him. Aaron was all about the pattern. And Jacob just wanted to make it the longest one ever. An all around good night together. No arguing or fighting and no tv.
Aaron looks like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He was very careful about stringing his necklace. Great fine motor activity!
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