After we got home from Tyler's great party. We noticed that there was a problem with the freezer part of our fridge. We thought that a cereal bag had gotten caught in the door and propped it open causing a few things to start to melt. So we fixed that and turned up the cold to make sure it was working ok and started getting everyone to bed. It was 8pm when we got home and started to notice this. Then the trouble started.
Around 9:30pm after we got everyone to bed and settled, we checked the fridge. The ice was melting in the freezer and although the fan was running there was no cold air coming out. Obviously I wasn't thinking properly and told Joe to turn it up the temp and shut the door and we would check it in the morning. I think I was really tired, because I should have gone straight out to get ice and started moving everything out.
By 6am everything in the freezer was soft if not melted. The fridge was kind of cold, but not enough to keep everything chilled. I immediately ran to the corner store and bought 4 bags of ice and moved everything to all our coolers. Our fridge was dead! The compressor went out. And I know what you are thinking, yes they can be fixed. But I hated fixing things over and over. So I went shopping on Friday at 10am and bought our new fridge.
The other problem we were then facing was we were planning to go up to the cabin on Saturday. Would the new fridge be delivered on time for us to still go? I did not give up! And my efforts were rewarded as our fridge showed up at 9:15am Saturday morning. We packed up and were on our way up north by 12:00. The best part, most of our cold stuff was already packed so I just loaded the already full coolers into the back of the truck!
Oh, I almost forgot the funniest thing! On Friday night Joe and I pulled the fridge out to clean out underneath and get everything ready for our new appliance. Well we turned the knob to turn off the water that runs to the fridge and then started to unhook the cord. We apparently have a faulty valve and water started spraying Joe hard in the face. I started screaming because water was going everywhere! The boys came running, which we sent them running for towels as Joe tried to put the hose back on. He finally got the hose most of the way back on and stepped out from behind the fridge. Water was flowing everywhere. And even leaking out the cracks to the sliding glass door. Nice to see we have cracks there, I might say! I stepped back behind the fridge while Joe ran to get a wrench to finish tightening the hose and finished screwing the hose on so that the water stopped spraying out. We took about 30 seconds to laugh and then started mopping up all the water. Then turned on fans to dry out the wall, the cabinets and the floor. Did I say it was a lot of water? Because it was a LOT of WATER! Needless to say it cleaned up the mess that was under the fridge!
These are the coolers filled with the contents of my fridge.
Love the new fridge! And love the subliminal Scout shout-out (OOOHHHH AHHHH...) I never would have gotten it had I not been in scouts!